Saturday, September 4, 2021

Day 5 - a little trim around the edge

Day 4

A day off already!  I was at work all day and it was my birthday!  I'm sure I could have found a five minute slot for some gardening, but... it was my birthday so...

Day 5

Where I mowed the lawn and then trimmed back the plants that were hanging over it the other day I revealed some raggedy looking grass round the edge of the lawn (probably should have trimmed and then mown!).  This morning I took a large pair of scissors out with my while the dog was doing her business and just trimmed and tidied up this lawn edge.

Looking much better!  This 5 minute challenge might actually work!

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Day 7 - the back nook

 We have a nook in the back garden.  A little corner that perfectly catches the morning sun.  It's hidden away so is a great place to di...